Fathers and Truth
"Be aware not to be corrupted from love of the heretics; for this reason do not accept any false belief (dogma) in the name of love. "

St. John the Chrysostom

"Even if the heretics are many in numbers, they are still found "out­- side of the Holy Gardens" of the church. Even if very few stay true to Orthodoxy and Godliness, they are the church of Christ. "

St. Nikephoros the Confessor

"Members of the Orthodox church are all and only those of the faithful that believe and do not doubt the flawless Faith of Christ the Sav­iour and all that was passed down, preached and interpreted by Christ, the Apostles and the Holy Ecumenical Synods. "

St. Thositheos

"Nor life without true faith nor this faith without holy works can save. "

St. Theodore the Studite

"...do not have a single thing to do with schismatics and absolutely nothing with heretics...As you know I myself have avoided them due to their Christ hating and heterodox heresy. "

St. Anthony the Great

"All the great teachers of the church, all the Synods, all the divine Scriptures prescribe the fleeing from the heterodox (heretics) and to stand afar from their association (communion)."

St. Mark Evgenikos

"The fight against heresies represents the highest expression of love for the heretics while the tolerance and the amnesty for heresy is a cruel form of love and overmasked hate. In the realm of false ecumenism (branch theory) lurks the worse case of 'man hatefullness'. Thus, it is not without significance that St. Maximos the Confessor issued a statement condemning the tolerance of heretics. 'I define this to be cruelty towards mankind and absence of divine love to attempt to give authority to a false faith aiding even more the de­struction of those that are adhering to it'. "

Archimandrite Spiridon Bilalis


«Orthodox Kypseli» Publication
Thessalonika, Greece



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